AKC Fit Turkey Trot

Up until December 15th, 2023, you can participate in a 5K (3.1 miles) walk/run with your dog. You and your dog can “trot “on your own, with a group of friends and their dogs, or with an AKC FIT DOG...

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Erie Kennel Club Christmas Party

Erie Kennel Club Christmas PartyWhen: Sunday, December 3, 2023Where: Erie Kennel Club BuildingTime: Meet & Greet 2:30PM and Dinner at 3PMRSVP: To Andrea, Cell phone 814-431-0073 or email...

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EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Erie Kennel Club Web Site has MOVED! We are now .ORG! Find us at https://eriekennelclub.org Hope to see you there!  

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